Život doista piše romane, a ovo je jedan od onih s nevjerojatnim zapletom i sretnim završetkom. Ernesto Otanez Ovesto vozio je pod utjecajem alkohola i očigledno nije primijetio crveno svjetlo na semaforu. Uletio je s Jeepom u raskrižje i pokosio bi par s djetetom u kolicima da u istom trenutku u raskrižje nije ušao Chevrolet Cruze koji je to, naravno, učinio zbog zelenog svjetla na semaforu. Dogodila se prometna nesreća, a roditelji i dijete preživjeli su pukom srećom. Policija u Phoenixu naziva ženu u Chevrolet Cruzeu herojem premda se ovdje ipak više radi o spletu okolnosti. Na sreću, nitko nije ozbiljnije ozlijeđen u ovoj nesreći, a Ovestovu automobilu je pronađeno i neprijavljeno oružje.
Chevy Cruz protects pedestrians in crosswalk
A hero in the form of a Chevy Cruze may have saved the lives of a couple pushing a stroller through a Phoenix crosswalk.The people were trying to cross Indian School at 53rd Avenue late in the evening when a car came barreling through the red light.A Chevrolet Cruz on 53rd Avenue entered the intersection on a green light when a Jeep driven by Ernesto Otanez Oveso slammed into that car, just a few feet away from the pedestrians.Oveso and a woman in the car with him took off running after the accident. Oveso noticed a witness was following him and told that man to stop, even stabbing one of the doors on his car.The 28-year-old was arrested on DUI and aggravated assault charges. Police also found a gun in the Jeep so an additional prohibited possession charge was added.The woman with Oveso at the time of the crash was not located.The driver of that Chevy Cruz was a 27-year-old woman. While she did suffer injuries, they were not life-threatening. Oct 14, 2019.10:10pm 53rd Ave & Indian School.
Objavljuje City of Phoenix Police Department u Srijeda, 23. listopada 2019.